Affiliated to the University of Mysore & Re-Accredited by NACC with ‘B+’ (CGPA: 2.74) Grade

Kollegal, Chamarajnagar – 571440.

NAAC – National Assessment and Accreditation Council


1.1 Curricular Planning and Implementation
1.1.1 Curriculum Design
1.1.2 Academic Calendar
1.1.3 Curriculum development and Assessment

1.2 Academic Flexibility
1.2.1 CBCS Programme details
1.2.2 Add on/Certificate Programme details
1.2.3 Student enrolment in Certificate / Add on Course

1.3 Curriculum Enrichment
1.3.1 Curriculum enrichment
1.3.2 Project work/Field work / Internship Courses
1.3.3 Students undertaking Project work/Field work / Internship Courses

1.4 Feedback System
1.4.1 Action Taken Report on Feedback
1.4.2 Stake Holders Feedback Report


2.1 Student Enrolment and Profile
2.1.1 Student Enrolment
2.1.2 Reservation Policy
2.2 Catering to Student Diversity
2.2.1 Special Programmes for advanced learners and slow learners
2.2.2 Student – Full time teacher ratio documents
2.3 Teaching-Learning Process
2.3.1 Student centric methods
2.3.2 ICT for effective teaching – learning process
2.3.3 Mentor / Mentee

2.4 Teacher Profile and Quality
2.4.3 Teaching Experience

2.5 Evaluation Process and Reforms
2.5.1 Mechanism of Internal Assessment
2.5.2 Examination Grievances

2.6 Student Performance and Learning Outcome
2.6.1 Programme outcomes and Course outcomes
2.6.2 Programme and Course Attainment
2.6.3 Annual report of Results

2.7 Student Satisfaction Survey

2.7.1 SSS Report

CRITERON 3: Research, Innovation and Extension

3.1 Resource Innovation and Extension
3.1.1 Grants received from Government and non-governmental agencies for research projects
3.1.2 Percentage of teachers recognized as research guides
3.1.3 Percentage of departments having Research projects funded by government

3.2 Innovation Ecosystem

3.2.1 Institution has created an ecosystem for innovations and has initiatives for creation and transfer of knowledge
3.2.2 Number of workshops/seminars conducted on Research Methodology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and entrepreneurship during the last five years

3.3: Research Publication and Awards
3.3.1 Number of Ph.Ds registered per eligible teacher during the last five years
3.3.2 Number of research papers per teachers in the Journals notified on UGC website
3.3.3 Number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers published in national/ international conference proceedings per teacher

3.4 – Extension Activities
3.4.1 Extension activities are carried out in the neighborhood community, sensitizing students to social issues, for their holistic development, and impact thereof
3.4.2. Number of awards and recognitions received for extension activities from government/ government recognized bodies
3.4.3. Number of extension and outreach Programmes conducted by the institution through NSS/ NCC/ Red Cross/ YRC etc
3.4.4. Average percentage of students participating in extension activities
3.5 Collaboration
3.5.1. Number of Collaborative activities for research, Faculty exchange, Student exchange/ internship
3.5.2. Number of functional MoUs with institutions, other universities, industries, corporate houses etc.

CRITERION 5: Student support and Progression

5.1.1 Students benefited by Scholarships and freeships by Government
5.1.2 Students benefited by Scholarships & freeships by Institution/non-
Government agencies
5.1.3 Capacity building and skill enhancement initiatives by Institution
5.1.4 Students benefited by guidance for competitive examination & Career
5.1.5 Institution mechanism for redressal of student’s grievances
5.2.1 Placement of outgoing students
5.2.2 Students progressing to higher education
5.2.3 Students qualifying in state/national level examination
5.3.1 Awards for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities at
University/state level
5.3.2 Institution facilities students’ representation in various administrative, co-
Curricular and extracurricular activities
5.3.3 Students Participation in sports and cultural events
5.4.1 Alumni association contributions
5.4.2 Alumni contributions

CRITERION 6: Governance. Leadership and Management

6.1.1 Governance of the Institution
6.1.2 Effective leadership in various institutional practices
6.2.1 Institutional Strategic /perspective plan
6.2.2 Functioning of Institutional bodies
6.2.3 Implementation of e-governance
6.3.1 Institution has effective welfare measure for Teaching and non-teaching staff
6.3.2 Teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshops
6.3.3 Professional development/Administrative training programs organised by the
6.3.4 Teachers undergoing online/face-to-face FDP
6.3.5 Institution Performance appraisal system for teaching and non-teaching staff
6.4.1 Internal and External audits of the Institution.
6.4.2 Funds/Grants Received from non-government bodies, individuals & philanthropers
6.4.3 Institutional strategies for mobilisation of funds
6.5.1 IQAC contributions for institutionalising the quality assurance strategies and processes
6.5.2 The institution reviews its teaching learning process, structures and methodologies of operations and learning outcomes at periodic intervals through IQAC
6.5.3 Quality assurance initiatives of the institution