Affiliated to the University of Mysore & Re-Accredited by NACC with ‘B+’ (CGPA: 2.74) Grade
Kollegal, Chamarajnagar – 571440.

Greetings from the Librarian
I welcome our patrons to the JSSCWK Library and Information Centre. The Library has served its user community for a long time and has supported the institution to grow and consolidate the excellent track teaching and learning. JSSCWK Library is growing to become one of the leading college libraries in the district with a collection of books, journals and newspapers, with a total collection of more than 17850. The Library collection grew since the early days.
To make the JSS College Library and Information Centre as national class learning centre and provide knowledge based services to the user community.
To serve our users by providing right information at the right time.To evolve into a centre of excellence by providing Learning, Teaching and Research Material To contribute and support in teaching, learning and research outcomes of the college.To network the knowledge resources in the region by adopting national standards.Be at the forefront in the development of integrated information literacy programs for lifelong learning, creativity and ongoing professional development.To impart quality learning and training to students and faculties.To adopt newer and innovative technologies in processing and dissemination of information.
Library Committee members
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The JSS College Library and Information Centre was established in the year 01-08-1983 and started functioning in the present city i.e. Kollegal, Later it has been shifted to the own campus in the year 1995.The Library and Information Centre got its own separate department in the magnificent block since 2005 with adequate area of 3419.46Sq.ft. The Library and Information Centre started functioning from 2006 with the same area. The building accommodates sections such as Stacks, Reference, Circulation, Periodicals, Technical Section, Digital Library, Learning Resource Centre, Librarian Chamber, Photo Copying Section, AV Aids Section and Office
The Library and Information Centre has a collection of 12,829 Volumes in the year 2007-08 with 452 users and 55 staff members. At present, the Library has its stock about 14380 Volumes of books and 25 current periodicals at national and state level as print copies to cover a wide range of subjects to facilitate users to access current academic and learning Literature. Presently the library has 1+2 library staff members serving 624 members in addition, the academic community of other institutions and general public has been using the library resources. Of organizes “The User Education / Orientation Programmes” for to the students & Staff in beginning & between of every academic year.
The Library and information centre management is the base and core activity which helps the user community in identifying and accessioning knowledge resources in an academic institution effective management of the library support excellence in the students support divergent research needs on and off the campus, continues to adopt change and contributes in strengthening the academic life in the campus of the institution in all respect.
Maintenance of service area:
Calm and neat atmosphere has been maintained users are provided with a clean and silent environment including dust free environment in the stack and reading areas. For their cleaning and mopping activities including maintenance of reading tables, chairs are outsourced.
Special deposit scheme:
Under this scheme it provides an opportunity to off campus users especially economic backward classes to avail the books and other materials at affordable cost.
Library book exhibition:
As regular annual features a set of reputed book publishers and distributors are invited to display the recently published books in an exhibition. So that book selection process is possible for faculty members and students.
Extended hours of services:
It is kept open from 10.00am to 5 Pm except Sunday (Saturday 10 am to 1.30pm) and public holidays. Circulation of books is available during the library hours.
Information Literacy programme:
It conducts an orientation programme for the new students admitted every year. They find it useful to know about the resources available in their discipline and all other facilities they are provided.
Library best User Award:
It provides every year best user award in the form of Cash/Book to the best user from the each discipline. So that more students can be attracted to visit the library and use the resource.
User feedback practice through suggestion box & Feedback form:
It has user feedback practice by maintaining suggestion box and getting user feedback on various services provided to them. So that user satisfaction level can be increased.
Internet access facility – Easy access to e resources:
It provides internet access facilities to the users for e mails, browsing internet accessioning e- resources/ e journals database OPAC in easily software. It is fully computerized with Barcode technology and also LAN facility, UPS connectivity etc.
Automation of in house services:
It provides a database of all the documents available in the library to fully automate all the library functions and services in networked environment.
Library Resources and others:
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1. E-Journals
Some of the most frequently encountered types of E-resources are
1. Online Journals / open access journals
2. Electronic Journals
Electronic journals form a large part of the collection of a Library for providing web based services. At present, many Electronic Journals are available. Some are full text and some contain only bibliographic information, with abstract around 7000 full text, online. JSS College for women is a member of inflibnet consortium. Journals being extended from INFLIBNET centre can be accessed from this link: https://nlist.inflibnet.ac.in/veresources.php
The faculty members and students can access all the above information services, either from the work place or hostels. The users can also log into the Library webpage from any part of the world. Provision is also made for remote access, using user ID and Password.
2. e-ShodhSindhu
This is a specialised service provided by the Library. It is an Initiative of the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), under the NME-ICT, funded by UGC. The college comes under UGC-INFONET Digital Library Consortium and is now, part of e- ShodhSindhu. Under NLIST, colleges have access to e-resources (6000+ ejournals and 135000+ ebooks) Provision is also made for remote access, using user ID and Password. The N-list project provides access to e-resources to students, faculty members from college.
Shodhaganga is the biggest National Theses open access repository having more than 7000 full text Theses, which can be accessed through internet. The authorized users from colleges, can have access to e-resources and download articles required by them, directly from the publishers’ website, once they are duly authenticated as authorised users from Inflibnet centre. There is a provision for remote access to e-resources. Users can access the subscribed e-resources of the library from anywhere and at any time using username and password. Federated search facility is also extended to the users. e-ShodhSindhu link:
3. e-Shodh ganga
4. e-books
An electronic book is a book publication in digital form, consisting of text images readable both on computer or other electronic devices.Some consortium and institutions like inflibnet, MHRD are actively working continuously to improve the present situation. Annually, they spend a huge amount of money towards Library acquisition. Hence, any Library member can access the digital information services covering e-Journals – e-books, and e-theses from any part of the world. The college has the INFLIBNET membership to access e-Journals and e-books, The N-List Password enables the reformate access to e resources
5. Database:
The library and Information Centre is integrated with college website, typically used for creating institutional repositories, for published digital content, a specific need as a digital archives system, focused on the long term storage access and preservation of digital content. Types of digital materials: Faculty Publications, Course materials-Syllabus, Lesson Plans, Previous years Question Papers, PPT’s, Images/ Photography, Own digitalized collection, Lecture capture etc.,
6. Remote access to e-resources
7. https://nlist.inflibnet.ac.in/collegeadmin/vdashboard.php
8. College Web Portal:
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Free supply Magazines
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General Magazines
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List of News Papers
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ask Librarian for Password and user ID for accessing N-LIST e-books and e-journals
E-Journals (Fulltext) |
American Institute of Physics [18 titles] |
Annual Reviews [33 titles] |
Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) [1 title] |
Indian Journals [180+ titles] |
Institute of Physics [46 titles] |
JSTOR [2500+ titles] |
Oxford University Press [262 titles] |
Royal Society of Chemistry [29 titles] |
H. W. Wilson [3000+ titles] |
Cambridge University Press [224 titles] (2010-2016) |
E-Books |
Cambridge Books Online [1800 titles] |
E-brary [150000+ titles] |
EBSCoHost-Net Library [936 titles] |
Hindustan Book Agency [65+ titles] |
Institute of South East Asian Studies(ISEAS) Books [382+ titles] |
Oxford Scholarship [1402+ titles] |
Springer eBooks [2300 titles] |
Sage Publication eBooks [1000 titles] |
Taylor Francis eBooks [1800 titles] |
Myilibrary-McGraw Hill [1124 titles] |
South Asia Archive [through NDL] |
World e-Books Library [Now available through NDLI only] |
Other useful Links
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http://www.uni-mysore.ac.in/english-version/library/index.php |
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National Digital Library of India |
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Indian Institute of Technology , Bhubaneswar |
Universal Digital Library – Million Books |
Directory of Open Access Journals |
Indian National Science Academy |
List of Open Access Learning Resources |
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* Study centre for competitive examinations – UPSC, KPSC, Banking, etc.
*Sources on General Knowledge, General Aptitude, Functional English, Numerical Ability.
*Guides and question bank series
*Magazines covering Career guidelines and employment opportunities
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E Resource Centre / Digital Information Resource Centre
*Presently 3 PCs with Internet browsing facility
*Access to thousands of e-journals, e-books, e-theses, digital repositories, etc
*Facilitates e-mailing, assignment and project preparation
*Open from 9am to 6 pm
*On an average 15 users per day visit the center
*Brings IT awareness among students
A. Library User Manual
B. Library Monthly Journal THINGALA THIRULU