Affiliated to the University of Mysore & Re-Accredited by NACC with ‘B+’ (CGPA: 2.74) Grade

Kollegal, Chamarajnagar – 571440.


About Department
Vision & Mission
HOD's Message
Faculty Profile


The department of English was established in the year 1983 with an off shoot of the existence of JSS College for Women, Kollegal under the noble  visions of the Founder President His Holiness Jagadguru Dr. Shivarathri Rajendra Mahaswamiji.  Since then the department  is striving hard  to impart  the basic skills of the Language viz, Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing, especially to the first generation of learners belonging to the  rural population in general and women in particular. Since English is taught as a Foreign language, the  students often exhibit fear in grappling with the problems while they encounter this non-native tongue in learning in real situations. Keeping this challenge  in mind the department tries to  approach with a pragmatic stance  in dealing  to address  and to find  solutions to help students in the acquisition of the  language skills to have  a good mastery over the acquisition of its skills to be fruitful to lead a successful life .  

Course Outcomes

  1. To visit prose to sensitize social issues in relation with society
  2. Helps to analyze the significance and the role of myths in the lives of the people of the Present and past generation.
  1. Student will cultivate the habit of imbibing the basic skills of the language and to use it  for day to day communication
  1. Helps in picking up communicative skills which are grammatically correct and impressive in daily discourse
  1. Understanding the poetic sensibility in  relation with social context through literature


  1. Locating the global cultures, values, traditions and lifestyle in various walks through  reading  short stories and Travelogues
  1. Analyzing prose pieces  and to know how people struggle in day to day lives,  to get  freedom of press, profession and dignity of labor  and struggling to reach their goals of  life
  1. Students develop their ability in communicating skills like writing paragraphs, framing questions, punctuation and analyzing paragraph.


  1. The literary text provide powerful contexts to understand human situations in our world and show how they are expressed in English language.
  1. Understanding the disturbing anti-social practices prevalent in society like discrimination on the basis of class, creed, race, gender, language, religion and Nationality..
  1. Awareness of the socially neglected yet powerful literary genres like Dalit Literature
  2. Develop the sensitivity towards the Social issues like caste, race and color issues with the help of author like, MULKRAJ ANAND.


  1. Introducing them to the different genre of literature by introducing to drama
  2. Practical knowledge of how to face interviews, writing letters, reports, reviews, poetry, acknowledgements and references
  3. Develop sensitivity with regard to great themes like Friendship and enmity   the help of Plays
  4. Critically appreciate and analyze the drama

Programme B.Com / BBA

Course Outcomes 

  • Analyzing poetry to understand social issue through literature
  •  Identify and overcome the prejudices in society with help of short stories
  •  Improving reading, listening and speaking skill along with basic sentence formation lessons
  •  Differentiating the genres of literature
  •  Developing aesthetic, realistic and metaphorical views and importance of water through the poetry and short stories
  • Analyzing topics based on contemporary pragmatism and how to deal with it.
  • Explaining the struggle of freedom and struggle to survive with the freedom.
  • Applying the mind to reciprocate with the modern values and age old traditions through short stories.
  • Differentiating and appreciating the village culture and urban lifestyle and to explore people, culture and literature.
  • Students develop ability to communicate confidently with the help of exercises like writing paragraphs, framing question and analyzing paragraph
  • Incepting moral values ,cultures, traditions and lifestyle through the novel like, THE FINANCIAL EXPERT
  • Develop the sensitivity towards the Social issues with the help of author  like, R K NARAYAN.
  • Analyzing prose to understand peculiarities and patterns of human behavior
  • Students develop their ability in communicating skills like, framing Sentences,  identifying adverbs and analyzing paragraph 
  • Practical knowledge of how to face interviews, writing different kind of  letters, reports, reviews, poetry, acknowledgements and references
  • Introducing them to the different genre of literature by introducing one act play like, REFUND
  • Introducing them to critically examine the problems in society



  1. To enable the students to acquire proficiency in English.
  2. To enable the students to understand that learning English is the order of the day.
  3. To enable the students to improve the basic skills of the language.
  4. To enable the students to understand and appreciate English language and Grammar.


  1. To give more and more practice to acquire the basic skills of the language viz.,
  • Listening
  • Speaking
  • Reading
  • Writing
  1. To enable  the students to  know that  learning English is  not very difficult.
  2. To remove the fear and make the students  learn English with interest.
  3.  To enable the students to understand  the difference between spoken English and written English.
  4. To give adequate exposure to provide real learning situations in  the day today class rooms situations.
  5. To instill confidence in understanding the textual content better and to face their examination quite easily.
  6.  To help them understand the prescribed texts  in particular and the subjects in  general.
  7.  To understand and appreciate English language and Literature.
  8.  To ingrain the ethical, epistemological & such human Values to gain decency, dignity and honor to oneself and others in the society.
  9.  To develop  the sense of  patriotism, nationalism and feeling of the nativity and  the  associated of life
  10. To mould and foster   with the feeling of proud a strong sense of to the soil.
  11. To   enrich themselves with the spirit of   Adventure, joy ,peace and enjoy tranquil life.
  12. To cultivate the literary values  in real life and to live simple ,contented life
  13. To love nature and its gifts, to protect the Environment and its purity.


The department wishes to ingrain the basic skills of the Language and Literature through the teaching of the prescribed curricula. It aims  to inculcate the humane values which are required to lead a life of solace and comfort. It advocates a sense of love towards nature and the spirit of adventure. It encourages  the students to broaden their outlook by exposing them to the  wide verities of literary pursuits of other countries.


SL No Name Qualification Designation Experience (yr) Other Information

Bhavya B R

MA, B.Ed Assistant Professor 5 View Profile

Bhavya B R
Assistant Professor                          
JSS College for Women                                                            
Kollegal – 571440

Mob : +91 9591416844
e-Mmail : bhavyaramapura@gmail.com